The Extra Mile - Singapore Wedding Photography

J and U had a beautiful celebration at st. teresa church. one of the things i love most about church weddings are the insightful sermons, so instead of focusing on the pretty hotel (shangri-la sentosa), or the fire frogs rolling in with their hot bikes, or any other detail, allow me to paraphrase Fr. Arro's thoughtful homily:

many couples love and adore each other, and yet, there are not a lot of happy endings. so you wonder why? why is love not enough? 
the reason is because it is NOT enough to love someone the way you know how. one cannot say, i will love you this way, and this way only, because that is all i know. that is just fancy. 
committed love is loving someone the way he or she needs to be loved. the way he or she needs to be loved...the magic sauce, the extra mile is in knowing. do you understand how your partner needs to be loved?  
find out what matters to your partner; what is important to them, and take these priorities as your own. 
that way, when you travel down in life together, you travel towards the same direction. 
that message really resonated with me. it's not the first time i've heard it. i suspect it's Fr. Arro's classic well-worn homily, but that's a great advice to any couple embarking on a lifelong journey with each other. took me several years of fumbling through marriage to understand that simple point myself.
here's to a well-grounded start to J and U! congratulations guys! (oh, and big thanks to my assistant extraordinaire, bong!) :)


Ruth said...

Hi Steph, this is the first time I visit your blog and I really love all your photos. And what touches me in this post is the message about love. It can't be more true in a marriage, we need to love our spouse the way he or she needs to be loved. But not many of us really learnt how to do it or feel that it's important to do so, because it takes more effort that way, doesn't it? Thanks again for sharing that.

libpuritan said...

thanks ruth! ;) glad this entry inspires.

fr arro's words were an inspiration to me too, which i why i felt compelled to share it. :)

happy sunday!

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