day 609 | april 20, 2012 | Hong Kong

snippets from a rainy hong kong. april was such a whirlwind that i welcomed the heavy rain with some relief. it meant i had a fairly good excuse to stay within the comfortable indoors, catching up with my work laptop, plenty of travel books, a good wifi connection, good eating places nearby, and other conveniences. 

day 600 | april 9, 2012 | Koh Samui

a purely personal post where i'm not blogging about the kids or my client shoots. grin. a clean one-task-only break after a long while was a dream -- and the companion definitely makes the destination for me. it was the perfect mix of work and chill-out especially because of lady L and our fabulously fun clients.
with the backdrop of dramatic sky every sunset (and i mean every single one!), samui is an amazing place to shoot and as well as get lost in your thoughts. 
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