day 663 | december 25, 2012 | a tradition of togetherness

i've always struggled with an appropriate celebration of christmas. coming from a muslim family, educated in catholic schools, and innately curious and widely exposed to other religions, i grew up pretty mixed about religious celebrations. nonetheless, it is reason enough to enjoy the people we see on a daily basis but are too busy to truly appreciate, and to reconnect with folks who are a little farther, and perhaps a little scarcer.
as we do every year, we try to get the little ones involved in setting up the tree. H takes the helm here, as i shoot along. 

day 668 | december 15, 2012 | Penang

Penang is one of my favorite places in Malaysia. With a diversity in yummy, fatty-liver-inducing food, a colorful tapestry of cultural heritage, and an openness to the arts, it's a great destination for photographers and non-photographers alike. 

day 671 | december 5, 2012 | Kidzania Mania

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" That's a question I was always asked as a little girl, and I suspect, most little kids nowadays still get asked on a regular basis. It's a simple question that's loaded with expectation, and packed with plenty of push.

Answers like doctor, lawyer, or accountant always received proud smiles. Astronaut, teacher, musician, or painter get patronizing smiles. Responding to the question with "monkey" or "happy" will likely categorize you as a lost case. So I learned to give the answers that gave me the proudest smiles, kept my "unconventional" thoughts to myself, and tried to get closer to "monkey" in my spare time. With the help of my kids, I might have succeeded on the "happy" bit. :)

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