day 449 | april 3, 2011 | twinkletoes on dirt training

while roo insists on not straying beyond the cemented walks in the beach (because "sand is dirty, mommy!"), we're training red to love dirt and sand, and all the messily fun things that defines childhood. never too soon to start with this, and red seems to be taking on to it. she looks about ready to start walking too. my baby will no longer be a baby soon. makes me want to freeze these moments even more. time is simply whizzing by; and the little ones are going through milestones like dirty nappies.


Mara said...

tiny feet! <3

Mimi Rashid said...

Tee-hee ^_^ My mum told me I was like that, too, when I was young. I'd refuse to step on sand because I thought it was dirty!

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